For fans and members sports clubs can now run a live TV channel in the worldwide web.
The program and the media technology has developed the DizziSit Global Media Group in Holland to promote international amateur and professional sports.
The studio equipment, programming, training the facilitators and the ICT service provides DizziSit. In order for the club to receive an effective and professional marketing tool. The advertising partners and sponsors benefit from the club shows.
The club management can bring training camps, club parties and events live on the screen and serve viewers with the latest club information just-in-time. The possibilties are unlimited.
Additionally asked broadcasting vehicles make the new TV channel mobile and flexible. DizziSit follows events live with TV-cameras and provides an educational programm to train the TV-maker.
This will complete the picture of an totally new concept of marketing.
Dizzisit TV is part of the Global Dizzisit Media Group, which is now a multi-functional and professional communication and advertising media agency.