Landscape contractors supplementing their income with lighting have numerous manufacturers educating and introducing them to the latest in lighting technology. This type of exterior LED outdoor landscape lighting is generally used to provide illumination for vehicles and pedestrian to use. Many of these landscape contractors, specifically the ones who believe themselves to be the masters of all trades, are never around to see how the lights will work after they turn on the first night.
What’s even worse is when the contractor disappears or won’t return any calls concerning the issues with their lighting system. Parking and area LED Wall Washer Light often require the use of a bucket truck or lift to change out a lamp or a ballast. Sometimes even the landscape lighting design build specialist, the contractor who specializes in building low voltage lighting design, couldn’t have known that the newest technology was fraught with potential problems.
The most critical component of your parking lot lighting is the performance. We were impressed with this new development in lighting technology and began integrating the device into our lighting systems. Many existing high bay lighting and low bay lighting applications utilize high intensity discharge (HID) lamps such as metal halide or high pressure sodium lamps.
It sometimes seems like landscape lighting has entered an era of reckless technological abandon. Energy savings is a primary driver behind why you should evaluate LED lighting for your building or facility. In the pursuit of creating a more sophisticated lighting system, the landscape lighting industry has produced some incredible developments. LEDs utilize a multi-point design, meaning they distribute light on the intended surface evenly.