Your led outdoor landscape lighting system is controlled on the macro level by your power transformer which can be time set, photocell controlled or astronomically controlled. For the energy conscious, both path and post lights come in LED versions as well. LED lights have come a long way from their cold, bluish light of the past. There is an additional system to add versatility to your lighting system which can be remotely controlled.
LED lights can now cast a soft, warm glow, which is exactly what you want for your outdoor lighting fixtures. Outdoor LED lighting is fast becoming the light of choice for lighting designers and homeowners because of their long lives. It can be retrofitted to your already existing lighting system or be an integral part of an Outdoor Lighting Plan you are considering to install on your property.
Whether it is a pond, stream or water fall, you can have the versatility to enhance, reduce or eliminate lighting elements for various affects. Landscaping lights are used to showcase architecture and landscaping – two important components of curb appeal. These examples are only a few features that can be utilized with zone controlled lighting enhancements. Landscape lighting also comes in energy-efficient LED versions, a wise investment.
What outdoor lighting design experience does your professional bring to the table? Like the other two types of outdoor lighting fixtures, entryway lighting is important for safety and security reasons. Adding Pixel light to any steps you have outdoors will make getting around easier and much safer. Seeing the affect and not the source of the light should always be a priority when creating a beautiful lighting system.